Having the right software is crucial to maintaining your complete infrastructure.
Our strategic relationships with tier 1 software vendors provides you a comprehensive portfolio of software products. Our consultants can enhance your understanding and awareness of the products which will aid the growth and profitability of your organisation. While Moore’s Law is responsible for incredible advancements in hardware, the real magic of the modern technical age sits in the software realm. Billions upon billions of lines of code create both amazing possibilities as well as many additional challenges, such as skillsets. We now have more features, on more devices locked down with more security toolsets than any time in history. The advancements are too vast for one person to understand, and you need a team of specialists dedicated to the understanding and adoption of new techniques. After all, it is not about the 1s and 0s, but how you can grease the wheels of your business.

Licence Management - Reducing your overall licensing costs.
At Galtec we have a keen eye on your spend. We help you better manage your software assets and reduce total cost of ownership through intelligent licence monitoring, provisioning and agreement management. Galtec account managers are your licence consultants, trained in the kung fu art of licence management, backed by our direct vendor relationships.

Software Defined Intelligence.
The ability to self-diagnose and fix is now upon us and this is a very exciting time. We have software products that constantly monitor your environment for failures and share meta data with millions of other devices across the world. This enables your software to learn and then apply fixes. Welcome to self-healing activities with no human intervention required. If you have a device requiring a firmware upgrade, no problem! All you need to do is arrange the schedule and sit back while the device updates and scans itself for success, with rollback mechanisms available in the event of failure.

Intelligent Provisioning.
Our IT teams are busy making magic. Why should they have to carry out low complexity, repeatable tasks that take them away from servicing users? Profile or image deployment mechanisms can save years of time and eradicate human error security risks caused from accidental misconfiguration.

Access Control.
Who is in your system and what have they brought with them? One of your team can easily fall victim to malicious 3rd party access attempts without ever knowing they had been treated as the Trojan Horse. With Galtec, you can allow your people to access their company apps and data whilst guaranteeing data compliance and neutralising those sneaky, malicious 3rd party access risks. Policy based access, Multi Factor Authentication and Modern Workplace solutions all have a part to play in the ultimate remote worker experience.

Operating infrastructure software