Keeping your people operational.
Your company has a footprint which has changed radically over the past decade as you’ve seen more and more people choose to work from home or off site. Your network is now vast and complex sometimes spanning multiple sites, counties and countries. It seems like today everyone and everything can talk to each other through the language of data. But the truth is, we have barely started on this new journey of hyper-connectivity. Pretty soon your coffee machine will be able to warn John in accounts that he’s drinking too much coffee after midday. But, science fiction aside, the complexity of keeping your people operational has grown exponentially and with that, the need for highly skilled networking specialists.

The core of your organisation.
From architecture to deployment and testing, we take the time to understand the core of your organisation and how your data is used and the manner in which it flows through your technology choices. Who gets to see what and where your data needs to reside live are now multifaceted challenges. For example, you have a salesperson operating in a foreign country on an unknown network. With Galtec, we can ensure that specific devices operated by specific people will automatically "red flag" and be blocked at your perimeter if your login safety criteria are not met.
We offer the following areas of networking expertise:
Managed LAN
Wireless LAN
On-Premise Infrastructure
End-User Computing