Device Lifecycle Managed Service


Simplifying the procurement of devices and on-boarding for employees.

Our Device Lifecycle Management (DLM) offering allows businesses to move away from task level operations, such as device imaging and deployment, and focus on high level projects and positive end user experience. Our DLM service provides centralised procurement and logistic resources which include staging, configuration, kitting, repair and return services, combined with asset reporting from a range of manufacturers as well as swap stock to ensure that faulty or broken devices are replaced quickly and efficiently.


Saving you time. Saving you money.

Could Device Lifecycle Management save your organisation money? Hardware remains an integral part of any IT strategy as businesses seek to arm their employees with mobile, secure and productive devices which meet the requirements of today’s worker. The Device Lifecycle Management solution should be implemented with two most important business achievements in mind: cost savings and freeing up time for the IT department. With devices arriving deployment-ready, DLM solution not only eases pressure on the internal IT team, but also enables peace of mind and guarantees maximum cost efficiency.


Our Service Desk team is always available and can facilitate new user devices whenever your business demands it. Here are main benefits of using our Device Lifecycle Management solution:


Drastically increases the speed that new employees get access to IT equipment and elevates uptime of user productivity.

Closely manages all assets across the environment using asset management tools to track user status and location.

Manages vendor escalations on failed devices and enables repair of devices with issues outside of warranty.

Controls safe disposal, compliant to any standard that customers require.

Simple, forecastable costs with the capability to flex up production when required for the business (such as new office openings or office moves).


Avoid low productivity and improve employee time management.

Our DLM response procedures are designed to react immediately to any request. Working device is in the user’s hands within 2 working days of request - fully business-ready without any input from the organisation’s IT team. And as a result, the perception of business’s IT Service Delivery is drastically increased.


Stay secure and connected.

Our DLM experts will manage your system at every stage. Our technical professionals are trained and accredited, with a proven track record of successful projects. We always follow organisation’s security policies when configuring devices. And with specialist engineers at the end of our support line, you will be able to get first and second line support when you need it. We resolve 98% of queries the first time. Issues are fixed fast, minimising downtime and boosting your team’s productivity.


Complete Device Lifecycle Management  




Digital transformation is the name of the game.

Most IT spending today has a cloud element to it. In many cases Cloud is the main part of the project as IT modern workplace strategies drive down lower cost of physical square footage and building service costs. Saving head count and floor space through improved working practices have represented a radical change in direction for many businesses, enabling them to implement new, lucrative strategies. Digital transformation is the name of the game.


Here are just a few of the Cloud areas we cover:


Private Cloud


Public Cloud


Hybrid Cloud


Multi Cloud


Office 365, Azure or AWS


Move to the Cloud.

Most businesses are saying goodbye to that server that sits in a locked room hoovering up your electricity bill. But it isn’t just hardware costs that are being saved. Moving to the Cloud means that you can bring an added dimension of flexibility to your team, allowing them to work when and where they want… and from any device. We find that when staff are no longer glued to their desks, their productivity increases. Add the extra element of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and Cloud is the way forward because the responsibility for all that incredibly expensive security tech then falls on the provider, rather than you. Covid-19 has acted as a change catalyst in terms of flexible working and Galtec's cloud offerings have been the perfectly placed to enable the vital changes to business working practices.


Public Cloud.

Our clients love Public Cloud because you don’t need as much hardware and that means major cost savings. Cloud service providers have added increased flexibility during difficult trading times ensuring that your contracts, licenses and resources are able to flex up and down so you only ever have to pay for what you need. Flexible contracts mean you can trim fat where you need, adapt to inconsistent trading patterns and take advantage of those savings earlier.


Hybrid Cloud.

It is a fact of today’s life that you are now responsible for the data you hold and if you get it wrong, you’re for the high jump. Some companies wanting to fully embrace the cloud have found that their data protection obligations are too stringent to allow this, e.g. patient records in healthcare or perhaps sensitive company records such as in the legal profession. Hybrid Cloud allows you the best of both worlds with a clever set of solutions working in perfect harmony.


Multi Cloud.

Multi-cloud is very similar to Hybrid Cloud only bigger and more complex. Not all businesses just work on Microsoft software products, some use design software, bespoke software and SaaS. Each one of these may have different security requirements and that’s where multi-cloud comes in.


Office 365, Azure or AWS.

Office 365, Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services are dedicated cloud services from the masters. Although in their early days still (relatively speaking) they are growing rapidly due to the massive support and development behind them. We are fully up to speed with all three platforms and can advise and integrate easily.
